Vertigo Treatment in Estero

Vertigo can make the room feel like it’s spinning, even when you’re completely still. The dizziness and nausea that accompany vertigo can make performing your daily tasks extremely difficult. Luckily, there are solutions such as vertigo treatment in Estero to help you feel better.

When you make an appointment with the team at Naples Community Injury Center, we will determine the cause of your condition. Once we understand how vertigo is impacting your daily life, our team in Estero can recommend a variety of solutions. We create customized treatment plans for each patient we treat. To get started, call us today at (239) 631-5445. We know you’re busy, so we will help you find an appointment time that works with your schedule.

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How Can Our Team in Estero Treat Your Vertigo?

Depending on the causes of your vertigo, we will prescribe a variety of treatment options. Some of the most common services we offer to vertigo patients include:

Oculomotor Exercises Therapy

During oculomotor therapy, we ask you to use your eyes to track moving objects. This can help train your eyes to work in sync to overcome the sensory mismatch that might be triggering your vertigo. Some of the exercises we might ask you to perform include:

  • Eye stretches
  • Visual tracking
  • Gaze stabilization
  • Spatial localization
  • Saccades exercises
  • Convergence and divergence exercises

Vestibular Therapy

Vestibular therapy targets balance issues that can lead to vertigo. During vestibular therapy, your physical therapist may prescribe:

  • Stretching and strength training exercises
  • Balance retraining
  • Vestibular exercises like eye and head movements

Your physical therapist will usually recommend vestibular therapy in combination with oculomotor exercises therapy.

Physical Therapy

There are several physiotherapy services we prescribe in Estero to treat vertigo. Some of them include:

  • Gait training
  • Muscle-energy techniques (MET)
  • Resistance/strength training
  • Massage therapy

We may also encourage you to change your diet and limit activities that cause you stress. Poor diet and anxiety are known to lead to vertigo, and we aim to combat any of the issues that are worsening your symptoms.

What to Expect When You Visit Naples Community Injury Center for Vertigo Treatment

The team at Naples Community Injury Center aims to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for all of our patients. When you visit us for your first appointment, we will listen to you as you explain your condition. Once we understand your medical history and the causes of your condition, we will create an individualized treatment plan to target the causes of your discomfort. When you visit us, you can expect:

  • A discussion about your medical history. Come prepared to answer questions about any medications you take and anything you have done to treat your vertigo in the past. We’ll also need to know about when you first started experiencing symptoms.
  • A physical exam. We will need to examine your inner ear to determine if any issues are causing your dizziness. If we need to, we’ll also request imaging exams and other specialized medical tests to get a full picture of your health.
  • We may begin treatment. Depending on how your initial health exam goes, we may start physical therapy treatments on your first appointment. Sometimes, we need to schedule a follow-up appointment, during which you can expect to begin treatment. Remember to dress comfortably in flexible, loose-fitting clothes, as you may need to perform certain exercises during physical therapy.

Throughout the course of your treatment, we will continue to assess your condition. We will change your treatment plan as needed. Feel free to continue asking us questions and being open about how you feel. If there is any part of your treatment plan that you would like to change, we will work with you to ensure you’re as comfortable as you can be.

See What Our Patients Say About the Care They Received at Our Practice

If you decide to visit our healthcare professionals, you get a team that truly cares about you and your well-being. See what our patients say after working with us:

  • “My experience was incredible. From the receptionist to the treatment service is first class. Dr. Oscar Nieves is an excellent professional with great medical skills and knowledge, but above all a great human being with great empathy and commitment to the needs of his patients…I definitely recommend Naples Community Injury Center.” – Ines
  • “I have seen many doctors during my years. I have never been in a medical office with such caring professionals. The staff is amazing. Sandra, Jennifer and Andrea are fantastic. Always welcoming, caring and professional…Dr. Nieves is amazing; the most caring doctor I have ever seen.” – Mary Ann

What Is Vertigo?

Vertigo Treatment in Estero

Vertigo is a sensation that causes dizziness and loss of balance. There are two types of vertigo: peripheral and central. Those suffering from peripheral vertigo generally have an issue in their inner ear or vestibular nerve, which helps you with balance.

Central vertigo arises when you have a health condition impacting your brain. Infections, strokes, or traumatic brain injuries (TBI) often lead to central vertigo.

According to Cleveland Clinic, vertigo is often caused by:

  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Head injuries
  • Shingles
  • Migraine headaches
  • Certain medications
  • Low blood pressure
  • Brain diseases

We will run tests to determine the root cause of your vertigo.

Symptoms of Vertigo We Treat at Naples Community Injury Center

Dizziness is the most common symptom of vertigo, but many other uncomfortable conditions can arise because of it. Some of the other symptoms of vertigo include:

  • Tinnitus
  • Hearing loss
  • Headaches
  • Ears feeling full
  • Balance loss
  • Motion sickness
  • Nausea and vomiting

Make Your Appointment for Vertigo Treatment in Estero Today

You don’t have to keep living with the uncomfortable symptoms of vertigo. Let the team at Naples Community Injury Center help you improve your quality of life. We offer several types of therapy to treat your condition.

Call us today to set up your first appointment.