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Chiropractor Treatment for Shoulder Pain

Chiropractor Treatment for Shoulder Pain

A chiropractor can provide effective treatment for many musculoskeletal causes of shoulder pain. If you experience chronic or acute pain, stiffness, loss of range of motion, inflammation, or other symptoms in your shoulder, a chiropractor

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Chiropractic Care of the Upper Back

Chiropractic Care of the Upper Back

Upper back pain can occur for many reasons. Each requires a specific treatment to address the underlying cause and prevent future symptoms. One of the best things you can do if you suffer this type

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Chiropractic Care for Rib Pain

Chiropractic Care for Rib Pain

Rib pain can be extremely painful, affecting your ability to breathe, move, and perform daily activities. Simply inhaling can cause sharp, stabbing pain in the affected area of the ribs. Some people try to self-medicate

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How to Find Immediate Relief for Sciatic Pain

How to Find Immediate Relief for Sciatic Pain

You can find immediate relief for sciatic pain with ice packs, warm compresses, and over-the-counter pain relievers. However, you should consider whether you genuinely want a short-term solution. Many quick fixes may offer relief, but

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Last Stages of Sciatica

Last Stages of Sciatica

The last stage of sciatica is the chronic stage, at which point a patient may feel persistent pain. In this stage of sciatica, patients may feel more noticeable symptoms, such as pain that can hinder

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Can Chiropractors Prescribe Medication

Can Chiropractors Prescribe Medication?

No, most of the time chiropractors cannot write prescriptions. In some cases, they may be able to recommend certain brands of over-the-counter medicines. Or, they can refer you to a doctor who can prescribe you

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