Ideally, the spine should be straight to allow free movement and pain-free activity but for those with scoliosis, even activities like sitting and standing can be difficult. Typically, scoliosis begins with minor symptoms that can become more serious as time goes on. Luckily, for those in the Naples area, quality scoliosis treatment is close by!
Our team of doctors, chiropractors, and physiotherapists at Naples Community Injury Center provides top-quality Naples scoliosis treatment. Call us at 239-631-5445 today to schedule an appointment.
Table of Contents
What Is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a condition of the spine causing a sideways curve that can be debilitating or disabling in many cases. This condition typically starts appearing in children around the age of 10, but can also develop in adults, especially those with cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy.
Most cases of scoliosis are not severe and can be corrected when a person is in adolescence. However, in extreme cases, the curving of the spine may reduce the amount of space in the chest cavity, which can make proper lung function difficult.
Mild scoliosis may not require treatment as a person grows up and the spine straightens over time. When the condition does not improve naturally, or in cases where the curve of the spine grows, intervention may be necessary. While only a small number of people will develop severe scoliosis, there are distinct signs to look out for.
Common Symptoms of Scoliosis
The most noticeable signs that a person has scoliosis can include:
- Uneven shoulders
- Unleveled waist
- Shoulder blades popping out
- One shoulder blade appears more prominent than the other (sticking out more)
- Ribs that stick out more noticeably on one side than the other
- A bulge on the back along the spinal column appears when bending over
- Leaning to one side when standing or walking
- An uneven walking gait
- Difficulty sitting, walking, or standing comfortably for long periods
- Being unable to stand up straight
- Frequent muscle spasms on the back or sides
- Pain or numbness in the limbs
- Reduced range of motion in the back or limbs
- Back pain that radiates to the legs
More severe symptoms can also include difficulty breathing or cardiovascular issues. However, these are rarely experienced in most scoliosis patients.
Signs of Scoliosis in Young Children
Early signs of scoliosis in adolescents can be obvious. Sometimes clothes will not fit correctly and will almost appear to hang unevenly off the body. When looking at their back, you may also notice a visible curvature of the spine or bulges along the spinal column.
Any asymmetrical appearance in children can be an indication of scoliosis, but this is not always definitive. Having your child examined by a Naples doctor is the best way to determine if they have scoliosis.
Causes of Scoliosis
The true cause of scoliosis is not known in most cases. In children, scoliosis often occurs before puberty when growth spurts more commonly happen. Hereditary factors and birth defects can also be causes of scoliosis for some. Less common causes of scoliosis can include unintended side effects from surgery at a young age, spinal cord abnormalities, infection, injury, or neuromuscular conditions.
You are more likely to develop scoliosis depending on your age, gender, and medical history risk factors. Scoliosis can run in families but does not always indicate whether somebody will indefinitely develop the condition. While a person is more likely to have scoliosis if a family member did, they may have no issues at all. Women and girls are more likely to have scoliosis than men and boys, though the reason for this is unknown.
Naples Scoliosis Treatment
Scoliosis can be easily corrected with careful spinal manipulation and chiropractic care. One of the most effective treatments involves realigning the vertebrae in the spine to help the spine move back into a healthy position. Even the most uncomfortable symptoms can be relieved with a few helpful chiropractic appointments with one of our chiropractic physicians in Naples.
Some scoliosis treatment plans may also involve physical therapy to relieve physical pain and stiffness and improve flexibility and mobility. In more severe cases, orthopedic surgery may be required. However, the first steps in treating scoliosis complications are generally noninvasive treatments.
Your scoliosis treatment plan will be unique for your body, age, and medical history. A physician’s preliminary exam at the Naples Community Injury Center is the first step in developing a plan that will relieve your back pain and begin to correct scoliosis.
How Doctors Will Determine if You Have Scoliosis
Scoliosis can be diagnosed during a regular visit to the doctor’s office or could be first noticed by another person beforehand. A family member may notice the curvature of a person’s spine at a pool outing, or a person may identify their symptoms as signs of scoliosis.
To know for sure whether someone has scoliosis, a doctor will need to perform an X-ray to examine the spine, as well as other tests that can include the following.
The Adam’s Forward Bend Test
The patient bends forward at the waist with their arms reaching for the floor, with their knees straight. This will make obvious signs of scoliosis prominent without the need for an X-ray in patients with the condition in their upper or mid-back areas.
Measuring With a Scoliometer
This device measures the body’s ability to twist. The scoliometer is placed on the back to determine how asymmetrical the spine is. The angle of the torso’s rotation is measured, and an angle of 5 degrees or greater can indicate that a person has scoliosis.
The Cobb Angle Measurement Test
The Cobb Angle is found by measuring the distance between the two greatest curves in the spine. This distance is measured using an x-ray of the spine. Angles of 10 degrees or more can point to scoliosis. The Cobb Angle test is most often used to diagnose scoliosis, as well as the ability or inability to properly rotate the torso.
Age can also be a strong indicator of the likelihood that a person has scoliosis. In younger patients, treatment will have to be adjusted over time as they are still undergoing skeletal growth.
Find Relief From Scolios With Treatment at Naples Community Injury Center!
Don’t struggle with the pain and discomfort of scoliosis! Our physicians at the Naples Community Injury Center will work with you to develop a scoliosis treatment plan that’s right for you. Call us at 239-631-5445 to schedule an appointment today!