Chiropractic Care for Motorcycle Accident Injuries in Estero

Motorcycling is a liberating and exciting pastime, but it comes with a higher degree of danger due to the lack of personal protection for the rider. When accidents occur, the rider is often thrown from their ride, hitting the road and every other hard surface around. They can suffer from severe to catastrophic injuries in these accidents. Their injuries can be excruciatingly painful to endure, with recovery taking months, possibly longer. Even after the wounds heal, some riders may continue to experience pain, stiffness, and loss of strength.

Injury victims in motorcycle accidents need not suffer needlessly. Chiropractic care for motorcycle accident injuries in Estero is available to riders. They can receive physical therapy and chiropractic treatment to help them recover strength, flexibility, and mobility. At Naples Community Injury Center, our team of medical doctors, chiropractors, and physician assistants can provide medical care and develop a treatment program that will encourage wellness and healing.

If you have suffered motorcycle accident injuries in Estero, our motorcycle accident chiropractor in Estero can help you recover. Call us today to schedule an initial appointment and start feeling better.

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We Provide a Holistic Approach to Treating Your Body After a Motorcycle Accident

When you schedule your appointment with Naples Community Injury Center, the first thing we do is listen. We want to know as much as possible about your current condition. This assessment not only includes the severe injuries you have suffered in your Estero motorcycle accident but your entire medical history.

We believe in treating the whole body. We look beyond the symptoms you are experiencing to address the root causes of your pain. With the help of your doctors and your input, we create a personalized medical treatment program that suits your lifestyle and healthcare needs.

During your initial examination, we will provide a complete physical, including medical imaging, such as

  • X-rays
  • MRI
  • CT Scan

After your initial examination of your condition, we create an evidence-based individual treatment plan. We work with you to establish goals for your rehabilitation and therapy. If possible, we may even be able to start that day.

Then, throughout your program, we reassess your progress. Your treatment program is constantly undergoing evaluation and adapting to your progress during recovery. Plus, you are a part of the evaluation. Your feedback is always welcomed. You have a say in how we continue and what goals you want to reach.

Motorcycle Accident Injuries in Estero

Treating Your Motorcycle Accident Injuries

We provide several treatment options for injury victims recovering from motorcycle accidents. You may be suffering from such bodily injuries as:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Back, neck, and shoulder injuries
  • Spinal cord injury, such as herniated discs
  • Joint injuries in the knees, wrists, ankles, shoulders, elbows, and hips
  • Muscle strains and sprains

Through your personalized treatment program, we can promote your body’s natural healing process, providing you a non-invasive, drug-free alternative to your recovery. We can help you resolve chronic pain and teach you methods for dealing with pain management between sessions.

Our programs are designed to reduce inflammation in the body, decrease swelling, increase circulation to affected areas, and breakdown scar tissue. We will work to improve your range of motion in injured joints, strengthen your body to improve mobility, and help you regain flexibility in stiff aching muscles. Improving your overall health and diet also aids in the prevention of re-injury.

Here’s what medical attention we can do for you:

Chiropractic Adjustments for Your Accident Injuries

Injuries to the back, neck, and spine can all benefit from chiropractic adjustment. These adjustments can also aid in the recovery of injuries to the extremities. We can perform the following chiropractic techniques to aid your body’s recovery:

  • Diversified adjustments
  • Side posture
  • Seated diversified
  • Thompson drop-table technique
  • Knee-chest
  • Manual extremities
  • Toggle recoil
  • Activator
  • Sacral-occipital technique

Our evidence-based chiropractic care has shown that accident injury victims are able to recover flexibility and mobility.

Physiotherapy for Your Accident Injuries

In conjunction with chiropractic adjustments, we can provide you with physiotherapy. Physiotherapy helps accident victims improve strength and function. It aids in improving mobility and flexibility through guided exercises and stretches.

Examples of physiotherapy we offer clients include:

  • Massage: By applying stretches and deep pressure to soft tissues, this therapy relaxes strained muscles and tendons allowing the body to relax and reduce swelling.
  • Trigger point therapy: Also known as myofascial release or pressure point massage, we apply pressure to knotted muscles to relieve pain and tension.
  • Resistance training: Whether through resistance bands or weight, we help the victim strengthen muscles that have weakened following the accident.

Additional Treatment Options for Your Accident Injuries

We can also include treatment programs that work well with your chiropractic adjustments and physiotherapy. Such options include:

  • Heat and ice therapy
  • Muscle energy technique (MET)
  • Electrical muscle stimulation (E-STIM)
  • Ultrasound

Prompt Action Will Aid in Your Recovery and Claim

No matter what we can do for you, it is highly recommended that you reach us as soon as possible to start your recovery. Beginning early can prevent your injuries from becoming worse. It can also help reduce the time you need to recover.

Contacting us early also has the added benefit of starting medical documentation of your injuries. Starting the documentation of your injuries and recovery as soon as possible after your motorcycle accident helps to create a clear link between the two. We can provide you with all the medical evidence necessary for the personal injury claim on your motorcycle accident.

If you would like legal assistance pursuing compensation for your injuries and losses, we can also recommend law firms in the Estero area. Their personal injury lawyers can provide the legal guidance and support you need while you recover from your motorcycle accident injuries.

Call Naples Community Injury Center to Schedule Your Estero Appointment

Contact Naples Community Injury Center to receive the healthcare you need following your motorcycle accident in Estero. Our medical care team can help you address any pain and weakness you are now experiencing. Start rebuilding your health and your life.

Call us today to schedule your initial appointment.